Strasbourg court condemns Turkey for jailing teacher for using ByLock encrypted messaging app

The European Court of Human Rights has condemned Turkey for jailing a teacher for downloading an encrypted messaging app that the government claimed was linked to the organisers of an attempted coup in the country in 2016. The case is likely to have implications for thousands of other people convicted in Turkey over their use the Bylock mobile phone app, which was available on the Android and Apple app store. It is also likely to have implications for the disclosure of evidence in prosecutions brought against users of other encrypted phone networks, including EncroChat, SkyECC and Anom, which were widely used by organised criminals, lawyers said. Turkey claims that Bylock is linked to an armed terrorist organisation connected to the US based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gülen, which Turkey’s government blames for an attempted coup on 15 July 2017.


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