risk management

Q&A: Adalbjorn Thorolfsson on IT project management in Iceland

The Icelandic Project Management Association was founded in 1984 by engineers and, as such, was initially focused on engineering projects. As project management evolved and became used in more sectors, such as information technology, healthcare, finance and the public sector, the composition of the members of the association and the board changed accordingly. Adalbjorn Thorolfsson…

Q&A: Adalbjorn Thorolfsson on IT project management in Iceland Read More »

Best practices to beat container misconfiguration

While misconfigured containers are a major challenge in cloud security, this can often be traced to shortcuts to cloud and containerisation divorced from the overall strategy. Focus on technical and tactical migrations, or even managing revenues, can be to the detriment of risk management and business results, with Drew Firment, chief cloud strategist at learning…

Best practices to beat container misconfiguration Read More »

97 FTSE 100 firms exposed to supply chain breaches

Of the 100 organisations listed on the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) 100 list of Britain’s most highly capitalised firms, 97 were exposed to a third-party supply chain data breach incident between March 2023 and March 2024, according to data published by SecurityScorecard ahead of the annual Infosec Europe fair. The findings, which come as…

97 FTSE 100 firms exposed to supply chain breaches Read More »

Cyber Safety Force wants to change conversation around risk

A group of like-minded cyber professionals who want to change how businesses think about threat defence and risk management have banded together to launch a new platform, the Cyber Safety Force (CSF), with the aim of moving the conversation from cyber security to cyber safety. Spearheaded by Performanta founder Guy Golan, 2020 Partners founder Greg Sim, former…

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Government insists it is acting ‘responsibly’ on military AI

The UK government insists it is already acting “responsibly” in the development of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) and military artificial intelligence (AI), following a warning from Lords to “proceed with caution”. However, critics say the government is failing to engage with alternative ethical perspectives, and that the response merely confirms its commitment to the…

Government insists it is acting ‘responsibly’ on military AI Read More »

Organisations failing to proactively address insider cyber risk

With the cost of insider risk the highest it’s ever been, cyber leaders are failing to direct their budgets towards effectively addressing the problem, spending less than 10% of their security budgets on measures that could solve a problem that now costs an average of $16.2m (£13.25m) every year. This is according to a newly…

Organisations failing to proactively address insider cyber risk Read More »

Top marks for graduates of CIISec vocational cyber course

Amid the annual tradition of A-level results day, the first students to sit a new Extended Project Qualification for young people aged 14 and up looking to start a career in cyber security have also been receiving their grades, with promising results. The first intake to the course comprised a total of 132 students –…

Top marks for graduates of CIISec vocational cyber course Read More »

ITAM influence on cyber risk becoming a factor in credit ratings

IT asset management (ITAM) and its relationship to good cyber security practice and risk management is becoming a vital element in determining an organisation’s ability to obtain credit, and those that lack an appropriate ITAM strategy may find their ratings adversely effected, according to credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Global Ratings. In its…

ITAM influence on cyber risk becoming a factor in credit ratings Read More »

US cyber breach reporting rules to have global impact

Organisations operating in the US will have to get to grips with strict new cyber breach reporting regulations, handed down this week by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The rules will apply to all US-listed companies, including Foreign Private Issuers – bodies primarily organised outside the US but that maintain secondary listings there. They…

US cyber breach reporting rules to have global impact Read More »

UK organisations lack confidence to carry out basic cyber tasks

Businesses across the UK continue to suffer from a basic cyber security skills gap, with supposed security leaders at approximately 50% of organisations saying they lacked the confidence to carry out the most basic tasks as outlined in the NCSC’s Cyber Essentials programme, or lacking appropriate support from third parties. This is according to the…

UK organisations lack confidence to carry out basic cyber tasks Read More »

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