
What are the options when migrating from VMware?

It has been widely reported that Broadcom has set its sights on VMware’s 1,500 most profitable customers. In organisations that spend less, negotiating new contracts may be difficult and costly, given that the new pricing bundles for VMware include products some IT departments may never use. This has been combined with a switch to a…

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Hybrid multicloud storage: Pros, cons and key workloads

Hybrid multicloud storage is intended to create the best of all worlds. By mixing on-premise technology with multiple public cloud resources, enterprises hope to optimise the attributes of each with regard to pricing, capacity, performance, features, security and resilience. The challenge is to create a coherent storage architecture out of multiple technologies rather than a…

Hybrid multicloud storage: Pros, cons and key workloads Read More »

Deep dive: How Pure Fusion plans to implement storage classes

Flash storage pioneer Pure Storage recently announced it will upgrade its Fusion control plane to make storage capacity in its arrays available via storage classes that allow it to be easily provisioned to any application needs it. That potentially brings lots of advantages as it makes storage simpler and more easily consumable by multiple applications…

Deep dive: How Pure Fusion plans to implement storage classes Read More »

Kubernetes at 10: Building stateful app storage and data protection

Kubernetes is 10 years’ old. Mid-2024 sees the 10th birthday of the market-leading container orchestration platform. That decade started as containers emerged as a new way to virtualise applications, but storage and data protection functionality was practically non-existent. Now, Kubernetes offers a mature container platform for cloud-native applications, with all that’s required for the storage…

Kubernetes at 10: Building stateful app storage and data protection Read More »

Kubernetes at 10: Persistent storage matures, helped by Operators

Kubernetes is 10! Mid-2024 sees the 10th birthday of the market-leading container orchestration platform. It’s a decade that started with containers emerging as a novel way of virtualising applications but storage and data protection that was practically non-existent. Now, Kubernetes offers a mature container platform for cloud-native applications with all the functionality required for the…

Kubernetes at 10: Persistent storage matures, helped by Operators Read More »

Best practices to beat container misconfiguration

While misconfigured containers are a major challenge in cloud security, this can often be traced to shortcuts to cloud and containerisation divorced from the overall strategy. Focus on technical and tactical migrations, or even managing revenues, can be to the detriment of risk management and business results, with Drew Firment, chief cloud strategist at learning…

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IT chiefs fear Kubernetes data log overload

Over half of IT leaders polled by Coleman Parker in a global survey for Dynatrace believe their technology stacks will grow in complexity. In a survey of 1,300 chief information officers, chief technology officers (CTOs) and other senior technology leaders involved in IT operations and DevOps management in large enterprises, 88% say the complexity of…

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Nebulon upgrades SPU to Medusa2 with Nvidia DPU hardware

A card in your servers that can cut server resource usage by 25%. That’s the equivalent of buying three servers instead of four. And all done by offloading networking, storage and data services to a DPU-based PCIe card. That’s the promise from Nebulon, which sees its Services Processing Unit (SPU) revamped as the Medusa2 with…

Nebulon upgrades SPU to Medusa2 with Nvidia DPU hardware Read More »

Dunelm’s journey to micro front ends

Software engineering covers all of Dunelm’s business domains. Over the past few years, the retailer has updated its IT infrastructure from running off-the-shelf ecommerce via IBM WebSphere on Rackspace to building everything in-house. “Like many companies, digital transformation starts with the website and goes deeper and wider after that,” says Paul Kerrison, director of engineering…

Dunelm’s journey to micro front ends Read More »

Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes zero-days in Word and Streaming Service

As autumn begins and the thoughts of security teams turn to mists and mellow fruitfulness, Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday update arrives with the surety of the turning leaves, and this month there are two actively exploited zero-days to consider, and five critically scored vulnerabilities worth attention, out of a grand total of over 60 newly squashed…

Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes zero-days in Word and Streaming Service Read More »

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